The Slicker Raincoat Video Tutorial Series

A great raincoat for fall or spring and lighter weather

This is a great raincoat for lighter weather. It is typically made with a waterproof outer shell and a mesh liner. But, of course, you can make it in any fabric you choose. Click the button to get started!

Coat Overview

This short video gives you an overview of the coat and it's various components

Lesson Overview

This video shows you the lesson breakdown of the Slicker Coat Tutorial series

Jill Bartlett

As a DIY enthusiast, I craft virtually everything for my dog. I'm passionate about teaching and sharing my methods for crafting dog wear, toys, food, health products, and whatever inspires me. I'm drawn to dogs of all shapes and sizes, particularly those with unique needs. Ensuring canine comfort, safety, and happiness guides everything I make.

The Slicker Video Series

$47 USD

  • Step by step video tutorials series

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